I must be on some type of alcoholic kick lately, because this past weekend's pie was not one for those 'on the wagon.' It was a perfect dessert for a 4th of July party.
Especially for a 4th of July party in 90 degree weather. What's better in the heat than a frozen, alcoholic pie? I can't think of anything.
I believe it was Stacey 'Staceface' Kruml who suggested I add a pie with alcohol to my challenge and I remembered making a strawberry margarita pie a few years ago. Now, I didn't so much love that pie - the texture was just weird. But, I decided to use it as my inspiration for my new creation: Blackberry-Lime Margarita Pie.
Being July, blackberries are out in full force, so I picked some up (two pints, one for the pie and one for my own pleasure).
I started by throwing together a graham cracker crust. Man, those are so simple to make and smell so delicious while baking. Once she was cooled, I made the blackberry filling. I worked some magic (secrets that you can probably figure out from the picture, but that I won't just give away), and threw it in the freezer. When it was fully frozen, I made the lime filling and filled in the empty spaces. I then popped her back in the freezer to 'chill-out' a little longer.
After everyone was done with their brats and burgers, I brought the pie out to the table. Never in my life have I seen something disappear so quickly. This pie was gone in less time that Sumo can devour the peanut-butter cookies I make at Christmas (and he likes to eat them in one bite). There was even a 4 year old boy who wanted pie. He wasn't too happy when I told him he couldn't have this kind. Luckily, someone had brought a non-drunken-stupor inducing dessert.
Anyway, this pie was good. I will definitely make it again. Only next time, I'll remember to take my salt shaker.
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