This week, however, the Pie Maker has prevailed (whew...I was feeling pretty down and out)!
So, it's August, and peach season is in full swing. Hallelujah - cause they're my favorite! I got my peaches on Friday at the grocery store-
WHAT?!?! The grocery store! For fresh fruit!...
I know, I know; I'm not happy about it either, but I was low on time and had to go to the grocery store anyway. I hate grocery store fruit, it's so much better from the Farmer's Market. At the grocery store, when picking a ripe peach, you need to pick up around 40 of them to smell before finding 5 that work. At the Market though, you can smell them from 10ft away.
Well, luckily, they worked. Peaches and Cream pie was, how can I put it, de...licious!
It tasted like peach ice cream, stuffed into a pie shell. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside. And happy, too!
But I think the best part was enjoying it on the deck: with globe lights brightening up the dark, midnight sky, the cool breeze of a warm, August night, and the company of good friends.
I'd give this pie an A+.
mmmmmm, looks so good! Got to get to DC soon before the fresh fruit is gone or it will be, "No pie for you!"