So, there's now only a few weeks left of the 2010 Summer Pie Challenge. Which means, there's also only a few pies left. Of the 13 pies I've made thus far, I think this past week's pie might be my new favorite.
I know I say that a lot, but I really mean it this time. Here, let me describe it to you.
Close your eyes...Wait, don't! Then you can't read what I'm writing, and you'll have no idea what to imagine as I describe this most fantastic pie in great detail. So, if you didn't listen to me the first time, open your eyes and read on...
Let your mind wander to a place filled with homemade cinnamon-y graham cracker crusts, baked at a high temperature for a short period of time, holding the slightly browned crumbs perfectly into place at the bottom of the red pan. Someone is standing at the stove, whisking together eggs and milk, sugar and butter until thick, creamy, and warm. What's that ingredient being adding? The aroma, light and sweet, not overpowering in the least. ...Vanilla. Oh... And the whipped topping, lightly freckled with fragrant nutmeg.
Vanilla Cream Pie, oh Vanilla Cream Pie. Wherefore art thou Vanilla Cream Pie?
Deny thy calories and refuse thy high fat content.
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn delicious
And I'll no longer care to fit in a size 4.
...yeah... It was THAT good.