Now, I do admit that this is no ordinary turtle. It's not your standard giant sea turtle. Nor is it the snapping turtle you saw lingering near the creek across the street. It's also not a teenager, or mutant, or a ninja. This is so much better, if it's possible to be better than a ninja. (Cocks head to side, thinks hard, then shakes head)
Anyway, picture this: A homemade graham cracker crust. Ok, that might not be that exciting, but wait til you hear about the filling...
A layer of chopped pecans, a layer of smooth caramel, a layer of sweet cream cheese, all topped with chocolate whipped cream.
Oh, don't say anymore! It's too much, I can't turtle it, I mean, bear it!
Yes, I admit, this post might have you rolling your eyes, but damn, it was like Mr. Brach, himself, was here overseeing the making of his famous candy into pie form.
Now, if only I had a shell to hide it in...
Feel free to send some my way!!!