Something smacked me like brick wall and I realized the err of my ways. Thus deciding to change.
First, I gave up pants. I know, that sounds weird, but I did. I'm no longer wearing pants. You might think I'm just trying to emulate Lady Gaga, but, actually, I'm taking more of the Scarlet O'Hara approach. Skirts and dresses. Dresses and skirts.
And my garden! I weeded half of it today. It took me over an hour and a half. See, I told you I had been lazy. Crabgrass, dandelion, those incredibly annoying helicopter seeds let off by maple trees the world over. Do you realize how fast those turn into actual trees? It looks so nice now. And clean. Now I just need to get top soil so they don't come back so easily...
Then there were pies... I hadn't made any sort of pie in months, or at least what had felt like months. So I decided to try something to get me going on them. I grabbed my recipe books, and a bunch of those green topped page savers and I went to town. When I was done, the plan was set:
The 1st ever Summer Pie Challenge
*16 weeks
*16 pies
*16 posts
I began last Friday, June 4th with a relatively simple, deliciously appealing, slightly odd: Baked Strawberry Pie.
Baked? I know, weird. I've only ever had the cold strawberry pie. You know, the one that uses strawberries and jello as the filling, with whipped cream on top. It's a good pie, but I wanted to make something I had either never had, or never done. So, I baked them. And, just as you might have expected, it was a rather runny pie. Delicious, yes, but quite runny.
It tasted like fresh strawberry jam. With crust. All I kept thinking was that it needed peanut butter. Which makes me wonder, what if I make it, using only half of the filling, and after cooling, I fill the rest with peanut butter pie filling. OMG, it would be heavenly. A peanut butter and jelly pie. I've just taken the greatest sandwich ever created and turned it into a pie. And it would be good.
Maybe after my challenge is over I'll make that one. But, I don't have time now. I've already got my insanely random 15 pies remaining: I mean, pies like Wild Blueberry and Maple, Peaches and Cream, and Pear with Jalapeno Jelly.
Yeah, some sound great and others (jalapeno jelly, anyone?) weird, but this challenge is to get my off of my couch and into my kitchen. To get me trying new things. To get me learning and working and eating.
Which is the problem...After having a slice, what do I do with the remaining slices?
Do you have time for one?
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