Picture in your mind a warm summer day. You're out for a stroll through a beautiful garden, watching the bees flit from one flower to the next, pollinating each as they pass. As you look around, you think, "I'm thirsty." You should probably be thinking, "What a beautiful day." or "Wow, this garden is amazing!" But instead, you retreat to your college days and think of none other than beer.
But it's not just any beer that you want. It's too nice of a day outside to just have any old beer (don't argue with me, just wait to see where I'm going with this). The warmth and sun, and the trees, ripe with cherries...You raise an eyebrow and question your own thoughts, "Warm cherry beer?" Uh...no.
Then you remember that your friendly neighborhood pie-maker (and seller, just a reminder) has on her Summer Pie Challenge list a Cherry Chocolate Stout Pie. You narrow your eyes, put a smirk on your face, and nod your head in victory.
Your name is Ted and you are the pie-maker's father. You are on a weekend trip, visiting your wonderful daughter. This pie was your suggestion. You have one slice on Saturday night; you describe it as tasting like a black cherry pie, with a subtle hint of the stout.
You have two more slices on Sunday morning, no need for breakfast. You realize that you need to head home before you finish off this delicious treat, leaving none for your pie-making-genius of a daughter's friends to nom on.
You tell your daughter you love her and head to the car. Satisfied. It was a good weekend.
Love you, Dad!