Monday, August 30, 2010

Act 2, Scene 2, 33 - 36

So, there's now only a few weeks left of the 2010 Summer Pie Challenge. Which means, there's also only a few pies left. Of the 13 pies I've made thus far, I think this past week's pie might be my new favorite.

I know I say that a lot, but I really mean it this time. Here, let me describe it to you.

Close your eyes...Wait, don't! Then you can't read what I'm writing, and you'll have no idea what to imagine as I describe this most fantastic pie in great detail. So, if you didn't listen to me the first time, open your eyes and read on...

Let your mind wander to a place filled with homemade cinnamon-y graham cracker crusts, baked at a high temperature for a short period of time, holding the slightly browned crumbs perfectly into place at the bottom of the red pan. Someone is standing at the stove, whisking together eggs and milk, sugar and butter until thick, creamy, and warm. What's that ingredient being adding? The aroma, light and sweet, not overpowering in the least. ...Vanilla. Oh... And the whipped topping, lightly freckled with fragrant nutmeg.

Vanilla Cream Pie, oh Vanilla Cream Pie. Wherefore art thou Vanilla Cream Pie?
Deny thy calories and refuse thy high fat content.
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn delicious
And I'll no longer care to fit in a size 4.

...yeah... It was THAT good.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


So, while last week's pie tasted fantastic, I've realized I need some practice when it comes to making a meringue.

This week, however, the Pie Maker has prevailed (whew...I was feeling pretty down and out)!

So, it's August, and peach season is in full swing. Hallelujah - cause they're my favorite! I got my peaches on Friday at the grocery store-

WHAT?!?! The grocery store! For fresh fruit!...

I know, I know; I'm not happy about it either, but I was low on time and had to go to the grocery store anyway. I hate grocery store fruit, it's so much better from the Farmer's Market. At the grocery store, when picking a ripe peach, you need to pick up around 40 of them to smell before finding 5 that work. At the Market though, you can smell them from 10ft away.

Well, luckily, they worked. Peaches and Cream pie was, how can I put it, de...licious!

It tasted like peach ice cream, stuffed into a pie shell. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside. And happy, too!

But I think the best part was enjoying it on the deck: with globe lights brightening up the dark, midnight sky, the cool breeze of a warm, August night, and the company of good friends.

I'd give this pie an A+.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The True Challenge

So far, this pie challenge has been relatively easy. The most difficult part has been finding the time to make a pie each week; What with my full time job, designing a patio, try to keep up with my garden, and working out (did I mention I've lost 5 lbs?).

But this week was different. Time wasn't the issue. White puffs of sugary clouds were the problem. This week I made...dun dun dunnnnnnn......

The Sultan of Swat. The Titan of Terror. The Colossus of Clout!

...The Lemon Meringue...

Did I pass or did I fail?

You be the judge.

(Hey, at least it tasted good...)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Little Jack Horner, Sat in the Corner

I love Farmer's Markets.

The colors of the fruit, the free samples, the loaf of raspberry bread I took home(and devoured half of)... They're a great thing, and the best place to get good quality, fresh fruit.

I woke up around 8 and wanted to get to the market early enough that 1) it wouldn't be too hot and 2) it wouldn't be too crowded. So, with my canvas shopping bags in toe, I hopped in the Accord and headed out. Moments later I arrived to the glory of a Saturday morning replete with baked goods, produce, and farm fresh meats (mmm...grass fed...).

As I was on a mission, I headed straight to the produce stands. Plums...Where are the plums? Oh there they are. And three different kinds to sample?!?!?! How fantastic! I can sample my pie fruit before buying!

20 plums later and I'm headed to the liquor store.

I know you're thinking, "How do 20 plums = a trip to the liquor store?".

See, I'm from PA where you get your wine and your vodka in the same place. And sometimes I like to mix some of the juice in with the fruit. Well, I went to the wrong place. Luckily, the nice man behind the counter informed that that I would need to visit the grocery store to find what I needed. Oops. Virginia...

I got home with my plums and my port wine and I went to town. Plums, cored and sliced, cooked with port wine, sugar, and some lemon juice. And for the finale: topped with an almond crumb. Wow! How many ways can you say 'delicious?' ...scrumptious, titillating, yummy...

Ok, ok... I digress.

In the end, I've learned that we don't utilize the plum quite as much as we should. In fact, I think this was my first experience with a plum. But as good as this tasted, I know there will be many more.

And no, I did not stick in my thumb.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

If you like Pina Colada...

The Sand. The Sun. The surf.

Ocean City, New Jersey: It reminds me of my childhood. Every summer, until I was probably 12, we would head to the "shore." We loved it! All of us kids (McPherrins, Albertis, Vasolis) would run to the sand every morning to build castles or search for shells. And of course there would be swimming...the waves crashing their cold, murky water, sending us running towards our towels squealing with laughter.

As an adult, I look at the beach from a different perspective. I still enjoy a good swim in the ocean, but I'd rather be drinking a pina colada.

So, this summer, when Casie (and Matt) asked Sumo and I to come to the OCNJ with her family, I knew my pie challenge would come in handy.

Pina Colada? You betcha(wink)! So the Blueberry Pina Colada Pie was born. Er, made. And eaten.

It was awesome. Really! I mean, it was your regular blueberry pie, only with bits of pineapple and some pina colada mix thrown in. Then the topping! Oh the topping!!! It was a browned-to-perfection, coconut crumb. I mean, can pie get more beachy than that? Or more heavenly? I'm not sure it can.

There's now no need for frozen drinks. Yeah, they might cool you off on a hot summer's day while you're hanging poolside, but you could just put this pie in the fridge. Why bother with the tiny umbrella?

If we had that pie back when I was a kid, I might have been passed out for the entire trip.

Wait? Did I forget to mention the rum? Yeah, I think the parents would have loved it, too.